Our Artist Training program is intended for students applying for Visual Arts majors. This program consists of 1-1 weekly meetings/coaching with students and staff in their field of expertise. Our team is equipped to help develop students of all abilities and levels. Through 1-1 meetings, students will cultivate and refine vital foundational techniques in their field, ultimately applying them to their college portfolios.

We have experience helping students prepare portfolios for the following Visual & Applied Arts majors:

  1. Fine Art/Visual Art

  2. Architecture

  3. Film and Television Production

  4. Interactive Design

  5. Industrial Design

  6. Interior Design

  7. Illustration

  8. Fashion Design 

  9. Animation

  10. Photography

  11. Graphic Design

  12. Fashion/Art Management & Curation 

What’s Included:

1. Start-to-finish Portfolio Preparation

2. Application Brand Building

3. Essay Brainstorming and Development with Daniel Strom

4. School Selection Strategy

5. Resume/CV preparation

6. Waitlist/Deferral Support